Who made this site?

This website was created by Anyssa Castorina, Victoria Chang, Makayla Moore, and Katrina Philip as our final project for the Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program. This website was created in 7 days, so please be tolerant of any bugs you may come across. We plan to have the website running smoothly soon.

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ok sign icon

Katrina Philip

laptop icon

Victoria Chang

paintbrush icon

Makayla Moore

robot icon

Anyssa Castorina

Why is this website better then a calendar or reminder app on my phone?

The DotBook is a one of a kind scheduling website that has aspects of a calendar, a bullet journal, a notes app, and a reminder app all built in one. It is accessible on almost any screen and is very user friendly.


Images from: www.icons8.com, www.simpleicon.com, www.onlygfx.com, www.flaticon.com, www.myiconfinder.com, and Emily Chang